Kentin hangi eski coğrafi bölgede yer aldığı tartışılır. Hierapolis coğrafi konumu ile kendisini çevreleyen çeşitli tarihi bölgeler arasında yer almaktadır. Antik coğrafyacı Strabon ile Ptolemaios verdikleri bilgilerde, Karia bölgesine sınır olan Laodikeia ve Tripolis kentlerine yakınlığı ile Hierapolisin bir Frigya kenti olduğunu ileri sürerler. Antik kaynaklarda, kentin Hellenistik dönem öncesi adı ile ilgili bir bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Hierapolis olarak adlandırılmadan önce kentte bir yaşamın var olduğunu Ana Tanrıça kültünden dolayı biliyoruz.
Kentin kuruluşu hakkında bilgilerin kısıtlı olmasına karşın; Bergama Krallarından II. Eumenes tarafından MÖ. II. YY. başlarında kurulduğu ve Bergamanın efsanevi kurucusu Telephosun karısı Amazonlar kraliçesi Hieradan dolayı, Hierapolis adını aldığı bilinmektedir.
Hierapolis, Roma İmparatoru Neron dönemindeki (MS. 60) büyük depreme kadar, Hellenistik kentleşme ilkelerine bağlı kalarak özgün dokusunu sürdürmüştür. Deprem kuşağı üzerinde bulunan kent, Neron dönemi depreminden büyük zarar görmüş ve tamamen yenilenmiştir. Üst üste yaşadığı bu depremlerden sonra kent, tüm Hellenistik niteliğini kaybetmiş, tipik bir Roma kenti görünümünü almıştır. Hierapolis Roma döneminden sonra Bizans döneminde de çok önemli bir merkez olmuştur. Bu önem, MS. IV. yüzyıldan itibaren Hiristiyanlık merkezi olması (metropolis), MS. 80 yıllarında, Hz. İsanin havarilerinden olan, Aziz Philipin burada öldürülmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Hierapolis, XII. yüzyıl sonlarına doğru Türklerin eline geçmiştir.

HIERAPOLIS (Greek:'holy city') was the ancient city on top of the famous Pamukkale hot springs located in south-western Turkey near Denizli. Hierapolis is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As the hot springs of Pamukkale were used as a spa since the 2nd century B.C., people came to soothe their ailings here. Many of them retired and died here. The large necropolis is filled with sarcophagi.
The great baths were constructed with huge stone blocks without the use of cement, and consisted of various closed or open sections linked together. There are deep niches in the inner section of the bath, library, gymnasium and other closed or open locations. The complex, which was constructed in the 2nd century, constitutes a good example of vault-type architecture. The complex is now an archaeological museum.HIERAPOLIS HISTORY

There are only a few historical facts known about the origin of the city. No traces of the presence of Hittites or Persians have yet been found. However it was customary to build a temple on the site of such a natural phenomenon. The Phrygians built a temple dedicated to Hieron probably in the first half of the third century BC. This temple would later form the centre of Hierapolis. It was already used by the citizens of the nearby town Laodiceia, a city built by Antiochus II Theos in 261-253 BC.

Hierapolis was founded as a thermal spa early in the second century BC and given by the Romans to Eumenes II, king of Pergamon in 190 BC. The city was named after the name of the existing temple, or possibly to honour Hiera, wife of Telephos — son of Heracles by a Mysian princess Auge - the mythical founder of the Attalid dynasty. The city was expanded with proceeds from the booty from the Battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, where Antiochus the Great was defeated by Eumenes II who had sided with the Romans. Thus Hierapolis became part of the Pergamon kingdom.

Hierapolis became a healing centre where doctors used the hot thermal springs as a treatment for their patients. The city began issuing bronze coins in the second century BC. These coins give the name Hieropolis (town of the temple Hieron). This name eventually changed into Hierapolis (Holy city). [1]
In 133 BC, when Attalus III the last Attalid king of Pergamon died, he bequeathed his kingdom to the Rome. Hierapolis thus became part of the Roman province of Asia. The Hellenistic city was slowly transformed into a Roman town.
In the year 17 A.D., during the rule of emperor Tiberius, an earthquake destroyed the city. In 60 AD, during the rule of emperor Nero, an even more severe earthquake left the city completely in ruins. Afterwards the city was rebuilt in Roman style with the financial support from the emperor. It was during this period that the city attained its present form. The theatre was built in 129 AD when emperor Hadrian visited the town. It was renovated under Septimus Severus (193-211). When emperor Caracalla visited the town in 215 he bestowed on the city the much coveted title of Neocoros, according the city certain privileges and the right of sanctuary.
This was the "golden age" of Hierapolis. Thousands of people came to town to benefit from the medicinal properties of the hot springs. New building projects were started : two Roman baths, a gymnasium, several temples, a main street with a colonnade and a fountain at the hot spring. Hierapolis became one of the most prominent cities in the field of the arts, philosophy and trade in the Roman empire. The town grew to 100,000 inhabitants and became wealthy. According to the geographer Stephanus of Byzantium, the city was given its name because of the large number of temples it contained (again a sign of wealth).

Antiochus the Great had sent 2,000 Jewish families to Lydia and Phrygia from Babylon and Mesopotamia, later joined by Jews from Palestine. There grew a Jewish congregation in Hierapolis with their own more or less independent organizations. It is estimated that the Jewish population in the region was as high as 50,000 in 62 BC. [2] Several sarcophagi in the necropolis attest of their presence.
Through the influence of Paul the Apostle a Christian church was founded here while he was at Ephesus.[3] Philip the Apostle spent the last years of his life here with his three daughters.[4] In 80 AD he was martyred by crucifixion and was buried here. His daughters remained active as prophetesses in the region. The Martyrium was built on the spot where the apostle was crucified.

The city was visited for the last time by an Roman emperor in 370 by emperor Valens during his campaign against the Sassanid king Shapur II.
During the 4th century the Christians filled the Plutonium (a sacred cave, see below) with stones, thus giving evidence that the paganism had been entirely supplanted by the Christian faith. In 531 the Byzantine emperor Justinian raised the bishop of Hierapolis to the rank of metropolitan. The town was made a see of Phrygia Pacatiana. [5] The Roman baths were transformed to a Christian basilica. During the Byzantine period the city continued to flourish and also remained an important centre for Christianity.
In the early 7th century, the town was devastated by Persian armies and again by a destructive earthquake. Afterwards came a slow recovery.
In the 12th century, the area came under the control of the Seljuk sultanate of Konya.
In the year 1190 crusaders under Frederick Barbarossa fought with the Byzantines and conquered the town of Philip the Apostle.
About thirty years later, the town was abandoned and the Seljuks built a castle in the 1220s.

The site was abandoned for good in the late 1300s.
In the year 1534, another earthquake destroyed the remains of the ancient city. The ruins were slowly covered with a thick layer of limestone.
Hierapolis was first excavated by the German archaeologist Carl Humann (1839-1896) during the months June to July 1887. His excavation notes were published in his book "Altertümer von Hierapolis" in 1889. [6]. His excavations were rather general and included a number of drilling holes. He would gain fame for his discovery in Pergamon of the Pergamon Altar (reconstructed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin).
The real excavations began in 1957 when Italian scientists, led by Paolo Verzone, began working on the site. These studies still continue. A restoration of the site has began. For example, large columns along the main street near the gate named after Domitian, that were toppled by the earthquakes, were erected again. They also unearthed a number of houses from the Byzantine period, including an eleventh century courtyard house.
Many statues and friezes were transported to museums in London, Berlin and Rome. In 1970 the Hierapolis Museum was built on the site of the former Roman baths.
After the large white limestone formations of the hot springs became famous in the 20th century as the tourist attraction Cotton Castle (Pamukkale), the ancient city was rediscovered, but also partially destroyed by hotels that were built there. These buildings were removed again in recent years. The hot water pool of one hotel was retained, and, for a fee, it is possible to swim amongst ancient stone remains.


Şehir merkezinin yaklaşık dört adasını kaplayan yapı, bir bölümüyle kayalık eteğe oturur. Çok dik olan Cavea orta diazoma tarafından ikiye bölünmüştür ve düşey olarak 9 Cunei’den (kerkides) 8 basamaktan oluşur; üst bölümde summa caveanın galerisi vardı. Ima Cavea’nin ortasında bitim kısımları aslan pençesi biçiminde olan, uzun arkalıklı, yüksek sınıfları misafir etmek için kullanılan proedrianın mermer bir exedra oturma sırası görülür.

Cavea; sahne binasıyla birleşerek, Roma mimarisinin modellerine göre kapalı ve birleşik bir yapı oluşturur. Sahneden yanlızca ilk kat korunmuştur; üst kısım sahne ve orkestranın üzerinde yıkıntı olarak bulunmuştur. Ön sahnenin duvarı, ana kapılara karşılık geldiği yerde eksedrada eğimli olan bir podyuma yaslanmaktadır. Podyum, profilli tabanlara dayanır ve akanthus ve mese yapraklarıyla dekore edilmiş, Artemis ve Apollon’a adanmış kabartma serisi oyulmuş mermer blokları taşıyan kornişleri vardır.

Bu görkemli yapı İ.S. III.yy. da, İmparator Settimius Severus’un idaresi altında geçmiş dönem evreleri de içine katarak veya iptal ederek inşa edilmiştir.


The first theatre was constructed to the northeast above the northern gate, when the ancient city was destroyed by earthquake in 17 CE, during Hellenistic times.
After the earthquake of 60 CE, a new theatre was hollowed out of the slope of the hill further to the east during the reign of emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus with the remains and the seats of the old theatre. There were alterations during the reign of emperors Hadrian and Septimius Severus.
There is an inscription in the theatre that relates to emperor Hadrian. Emperor Septimius Severus is portrayed, together with his wife Julia Domna and his two sons Caracalla and Geta, on a relief on the scena as the god Jupiter seated on his throne. Emperor Septimius Severus also had a number of new buildings constructed in Hierapolis in gratitude for the sophist Antipater of Hierapolis, his private secretary and the tutor of his two sons.

The auditorium or seating section (cavea) consists of stacked seating with a capacity of 15,000 and is separated in two by a horizontal corridor (diazoma). The lower part had originally 20 rows, and the upper part 25 rows. But only 30 rows have survived. The auditorium is divided by eight vertical passageways with steps into nine aisles. The auditorium had also an imperial box. In 352 it underwent a thorough restoration and was adapted for water shows.

The proscenium (raised stage in front of the scene) consisted of two storeys with ornately decorated niches off to the sides. Several statues, reliefs (with myths of Apollo, Dionysios and Artemis) and decorative elements have been dug up by the Italian archaeological team and can be seen in the local museum.
The were four entrances (vomitoria) to the theatre, each with six statues in niches, flanked by marble columns.
The theatre is now under restoration. Several reliefs and statues, depicting
mythological figures, have been rescued from the rubble and fragments.


Frontinus Yolu ve doğudaki dağın yamaçları arasındaki geniş alan, İ.Ö. II. yy. boyunca, Hierapolis’in ticari Agora’sının çıkarılabildiği büyük bir meydana dönüşmüştür. 170 metre genişliğinde ve 280 metre boyundadır. Agora, kuzey, batı ve güney kenarlarından ionik fasadlı ve iç kısmında korinth tipi sütun dizisi yer alan mermer portikolarla (stoai) çevrilmiştir. Doğu kenarındaysa, 4 metrelik mermer bir merdiven sırası üzerine yerleştirilmiş, meydana hakim olan anıtsal Stoa-Bazilika'nın kalıntıları korunmaktadır. Stoa-Bazilika'nın iki katlı bir fasadı ve İon tipi kaideleri ve başlıkları olan ve ion tipi olanlarda da bulunan yan kenarlarda sakallı maskelerin olduğu, yüksekçe yivli yarım sütunların üzerlerine dayandığı dörtgen kesimli sütunlu bir portikosu vardı. Üst kat, kırmızımsı çakıldan yarım sütunlarla beyaz mermerden korinth başlıklarına sahip sütun dizisiyle donatılmıştı. Stoa-Bazilika’ya giriş; sfenksli ve boğaları ısıran aslanlarla figürlü başlıkların dayandığı sütunlarla ileri doğru uzanmış bir gövde tarafından belirtilmekteydi.

The vast plane between Frontinus Street, and the slopes of the mountains to the east, was transformed in the course of the 2nd century AD, into a large square, which has been identified as the commercial Agora of Hierapolis. The Agora is about 170m wide and 280m long, and is surrounded on the northern, western and southern sides by marble porticos (stoai) with an Ionic façade and an internal row of Corinthian columns. On the eastern side you find instead the monumental stoa-basilica, built on a marble staircase 4m high. This monument dominated the square. The stoa-basilica had a façade with two superimposed orders and a portico with squared-sectioned pillars upon which leaned, superiorly grooved half-columns with ionic capitals and bases. The capitals had bearded masks carved on the lateral faces. The upper floor had a row of half-columned pillars made of reddish crushed stone with Corinthian capitals in white marble. The entrance to the stoa-basilica is a propylon, which had an arched entrance flanked by two features that projected over the staircase. The arches are supported by sphinxes on capitals, which themselves take the form of bulls attacked by lions.

Aslan ve boğa sutun başlığı


Frontinus Yolu, bütün yerleşimin ortasından geçen ana caddedir (plateia). 14 metre genişliğinde taş ve kaldırımla döşenmiştir; ortasından tek parça bloklarla örtülmüş büyük kanalizasyon geçmektedir. Iki yan boyunca dizilmiş, ev, depo ve dükkan olarak kullanılmış, traverten dorik düzeninde bir fasadla bütünleştirilmiş mekanlar açılmaktadır. Cadde, mimari karakterini bakımından, Roma kentinin anıtsal girisini olusturan Frontinus Kapısı’yla beraber organik olarak bir tek projenin içine yerleştirilmiş gözükmektedir.

the Domitian gate,west gate,Ephesos way

Üç gözlü kapı, traverten düzenli bloklardan inşa edilmiş ve daire planlı iki kuleyle desteklenmiştir. Fasad üzerindeki mermer Asia prokonsul’ü Sestus Julius Frontinus’a, İmparator Domitianus’a ithaf edilen anıtsal yazıt, kapının ve caddenin inşa tarihini İ.S. I. yy.’ın sonuna gitmesine olanak verir.

Yaklaşık 1 km. uzunluğundaki kentin önemli ve geniş ana caddesi, kenti bir ucundan diğer ucuna ikiye böler. İki tarafında sütunlu galeriler ve önemli kamu yapıları vardır. Her iki ucunda birer anıtsal kapı bulunmaktadır. Bu kapılar ve caddenin büyük bölümü Roma döneminde inşa edildiğinden, Bizans surunun dışında kalmaktadır.

Güneyinde MS.V. yüzyıla tarihlenen “Güney Bizans Kapısı” vardır. Kuzeyde, iyi korunmuş, üç gözlü ve iki yanında yuvarlak kuleleri olan kapıda, İmparator Domitiana ithaf edilmiş Latince ve Grekçe yazılmış bir yazıt vardır. Bu yazıttan dolayı buna Domitian Kapısı veya Roma Kapısı denir. Kapının Asya Prokonsülü Julius Sextus Frontinus tarafından MS. 82-83 yıllarında yaptırıldığı bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle kapıya, Frontinus Kapısı da denilmektedir. Bu kapıdan güneye inen yolun surla kesiştiği yerde, MS. V. yüzyılda tarihlenen “Kuzey Bizans Kapısı” bulunmaktadır.


Frontinus Street was the main street that ran through the inner part of the city. It was 14m wide, paved, and equipped with a sidewalk. At the center runs a large drain covered by monolithic slabs. The street opens up along the two sides. Lining the streets are houses, deposits and shops, unified by a travertine Doric façade. The street is, for its architectural characteristics, organically conceived in one unitary project with the Gate of Frontinus that constitutes the monumental entrance of the Roman City. The Gate has three fornixes, was constructed of squared travertine blocks and was flanked by two circular towers. A monumental inscription in marble on the façade was dedicated by the proconsul of Asia, Sextus Julius Frontinus,to the Emperor Domitian allowed the construction of the Gate and the street to be dated back to the end of the 1st century AD.

LATRINA,Umumi tuvaletler

Şehrin girişinde, Frontinus Kapısı’ndan hemen sonra, büyük bir kamusal Latrina bulunur (İ.S. I. yy). Yapı, İ.S. VII yy. depreminin yolaçtığı yıkıntı durumu içinde bulunmuş ve sonra değişik elemanların orjinal posizyonlarında bir araya getirilmesi ve birleştirilmesiyle tekrar inşa edilmiştir. 20 metre uzunluğunda ve 6 metre genişliğinde olan yapıya kısa kenarlarından girilmektedir. İki yan girişten, üç basamaklı bir merdiven vasıtasıyla binanın cadde tabanına göre yaklaşık bir metre daha alçakta olan orjinal seviyesine inilmektedir. Tek bir odadan oluşan yapının iç kısmı, büyük traverten bloklu çatıyı taşıyan dorik tek parça bloktan oluşan sütun sırası tarafından boylamasına iki nefe ayrılmıştır. Bir kanal dört tarafı da dolaşarak atıkları Frontinus Caddesi’nin kanalizasyonuna taşımaktaydı; perimetral duvarlar boyunca oturakların yerleştirildiği yuvalar görülmektedir.


The public latrine (end of the 1st century AD) is located at the entrance of the city, just after Frontinus Gate. The building collapsed due to an earthquake in the 7th century AD, but was quickly reconstructed. Various elements belonging to the original structure were put back into place. The building is just wider than 6m, and is 20m long. The entrance to the building is on the two short sides. From these side entrances, across a small stairway containing three steps, the walkway descends to the original level, lower than the street by at least 1m. The only room had to aisles separated by a row of monolithic Doric columns that supported the large roof made of travertine slabs. A canal ran along the four sides transporting sewage to the drain at Frontinus Street. Along the perimetral walls the cuts in which the seats were embedded are still preserved.

LATRINA,Umumi tuvaletler



The Byzantine walls and east gate,Colossae way


Apollon Tapınağı’nın yakınlarındaki çeşme binasıyla beraber şehirdeki iki büyük anıtsal binadan biridir. Yapı, caddeye açılan 70 metre uzunluğunda bir havuzdan ve içlerine heykel konulmak için nişlerin kazıldığı iki kıvrımdan oluşmuştu. 1993 yılında başlayan yapının sistematik kazıları; büyük havuzun içine düşmüş ve kalın bir kalker tabakası tarafından kaplanmış yapının mimari ve figürlü dekorasyon elemanlarının yeniden elde edilmesine olanak vermiştir. Özellikle önemli olanlar; Amazzonamachia sahnesinin olduğu bloklar ve kaynak ve nehirlerin kişileştirildiği kabartmalardır. Mimari elemanların stilistik karakterleri ve bir arşitrav üzerine yazılmış İmparator Alexander Severus’a ithaf, kompleksin İ.S. III.yy.ın ilk yarısına tarihlenmesini yaparlar.

Nymphaeum of the Tritons

The Nymphaem of the Tritons, along with the Nymphaeum near the Temple of Apollo, was one of the two large monumental fountains of the city. The building was composed of a basin 70m long, opened onto the street, and had a façade with two flaps, on which were niches to accommodate statues.
The systematic excavations of the monuments began in 1993, lead to the recovery of the elements of the marble architectural and figured decoration, which had collapsed in the large basin and was covered by layers of travertine. Of particular interest were the slabs with battles between Greeks and Amazons and reliefs with personifications of rivers and springs. The style of the reliefs, the architectural elements, and the dedication to the Emperor Severus Alexandrus engraved on the architrave, allow its construction to be dated to the first half of the 3rd century AD.


Yapı, İ.S. IV. yy.ın sonu V.yy. başında, kente ve çevresine hakim bulunan bir plato üzerinde, bütün bir nekropol alanının içinde inşaa edilmiştir. Yapı, sekizgen bir merkez mekana açılan dikdörtgen mekanları çevreleyen bir dizi çevre odadan oluşmaktadır. Kompozit mermer başlıklar tarafından süslenmiş sütunlar tarafından desteklenen üç kemerin aracılığıyla dikdörtgen mekanlar sekizgen ana mekana açılırlar. Merkez mekan, mermer döşeme levhalarıyla kaplanmıştı ve bir yangın sonucu tahrip olan ince yaprak kurşun levhayla kaplanmış bir tahta kubbeyle örtülmüştü. Yan mekanların büyük tesseralarla yapılmış geometrik ve yonca, yanlarda geniş örgülü ve bitkisel dal motifli mozaik döşemeleri vardı.

Bu merkez planlı yapı martyria’ların tipik örneği olarak nekropol bölgesinde ortaya çıkmış Havariler Dönemi’nde Hierapolis’e yerleşmiş Diyakoz Phillip’in geleneğine bağlanmıştır. 


The St. Philip Martyrium was constructed in the name of St. Philip, one of Christ’s twelve disciples, on top of the hill outside the northeastern section of the city walls. It dates from the fifth century. It is said that St. Philip is buried in the center of the building, but his grave has not been discovered. It didn't exist very long, since it burned down at the end of the 5th or early 6th century, as attested by fire marks on the columns.Already early in history there has been confusion about which Philip of Hierapolis was meant.This confusion started with a report by Polycrates of Ephesus in his book "Church History" (Hist. eccl., III., xxxi. 3, V., xxiv. 2

Philip the Apostle was one of the original twelve disciples. He is said to have been martyred in Hierapolis by upside-down crucifixion (Acts of Philip) or by being hung upside down by his ankles from a tree.
On the other hand Philip could designate Philip the Evangelist, a later disciple, who helped with administrative matters and had four virgin-prophetess daughters (Acts 6:1-7; 21:8-9). Early traditions say this Philip was martyred by hanging in Phrygia. He is confusingly also called "Philip the Apostle".
Anyway, it seems a prominent person, mentioned in Acts, did die in Hierapolis. This identification of the Evangelist with the Apostle would in itself be a welcome one to the inhabitants of Hierapolis, since this would attract more pilgrims.
The Martyrium had a special design, probably by an architect of the Byzantine emperor. It has a central octagonal structure with a diameter of 20 m. under a wooden dome, covered with lead. it was surrounded with eight rectangular rooms, each accessible via three arches. Four were used as entrance to the church, the other four as chapels. The space between the eight rooms were filled with heptagonal chapels with a triangular apse. The dome above the apse was decorated with mosaics. The whole structure was surrounded with an arcade with marble columns. All walls were covered with marble panes.



Altmışlı yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar, kazılar sırasında ortaya çıkan epigrafik dökümanların ortaya koyduğu bilgiler ışığında, Hierapolis’in ana tanrısı olan Apollon’un kültüne bağlı olan büyük bir mermer yapının varlığını ortaya çıkarmışlardır. Yapı, anıtsal bir merdiven üzerine kurulmuştur ve antik kaynakların bahsettiği yeraltı dünyasının girişi Plutonion olarak tanınan bir hipoje bir oyuğa girişi kapsar. Tapınak, bir kutsal alan içine yerleştirilmiş, 70 metre genişliğinde, üstünde mermer bir portiko olan bir duvarla (temenos) çevrilmiştir. Kuzey tarafı, tiyatroya giden modern bir yolun geçmesiyle kısmen kapatıldığı için çok az görülebilmektedir. Tapınağın yapısı daha geçdir fakat İ.S. I.yy.dan iki İonik başlığın ve bir Korinth başlığının bulunması alanda daha erken bir tapınak yapısının varlığının ileri sürülmesine olanak vermiştir.

Temple of Apollo

A temple was raised to Apollo Lairbenos, the principal god of Hierapolis, during the Hellenistic period (as can be seen on coins from Hierapolis). [7]. Apollo was linked to the ancient Anatolian sungod Lairbenos and the god of oracles Kareios. But pagan worship also centered on Cybele, Artemis, Pluto and Poseidon. Now only the foundations of the Hellenistic temple remain. The temple stood within a peribolos (15 by 20m) in Doric style (a court enclosed by a wall, especially one surrounding a sacred area) . As the back of the temple was built against the hill, the peribolos was surrounded on three sides by marble Doric columns.
The new temple was reconstructed in the 3rd century in Roman fashion, but also by recycling the stone blocks from the older temple. It has a smaller area, and now only its marble floor remains.

The temple of Apollo has deliberately been built over an active fault passing underneath, giving rise to the cave of the Plutonium, as shown by seismological investigations Temples dedicated to Apollo were often built over sites with geological activity, such as his most famous temple, the temple at Delphi
When the Christian faith was introduced as the official religion in the fourth century, this temple underwent a number of destructions. Part of the peribolos was dismantled to make room for a large Nympheum.


Next to this temple, within the sacred area, is the oldest local sanctuary, called the Plutonium (in Greek ??????????? = "the place of Pluto") or Chronion (named after Cronus), or Charonion (named after Charon), a shrine to the god of the underworld. It is a small cave, just large enough for one person to enter through a fenced entrance, beyond which stairs go down, and from which emerges toxic carbon dioxide gas caused by underground geologic activity. Behind the 3 m2 roofed chamber is a deep cleft in the rock, through which fast-flowing hot water passes releasing a sharp-smelling gas.Because people died in the gas, people thought that the gas was sent by Pluto, god of the underworld.

During the early years of the town, castrated priests of Cybele descended into the Plutonium, crawled over the floor to pockets of oxygen or held their breath. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and so tends to settle in hollows. They then came up to show that they were immune to the gas. People believed a "miracle" had happened and that therefore the priests were infused with superior powers and had divine protection.
An enclosed area of 2,000 m2 stood in front of the entrance. It was covered by a thick layer of poisonous gas, killing everyone who dared to enter this area. The priests sold birds and other animals to the visitors, so that they could try out how deadly this enclosed area was.
Visitors could ask, on payment of large sums, questions to the oracle of Pluto. This provided a considerable source of income for the temple.
The Plutonium was described by several ancient writers: Strabo, Cassius Dio, and Damascius.
The entrance to the Plutonium was closed off during the Christian times.


Bugün, masif duvarları ve bazı tonozları ayakta kalabilmiş olan yapının iç mekanlarının mermerle kaplı olduğuna dair izler bulunmaktadır. Hamamın planı diğer tipik Roma hamamları gibidir. Önce girişte büyük avlu, iki yanında büyük holler bulunan kapalı dikdörtgen bir alan ve daha sonraları bulunan esas hamam yapısı yer alır. Palaestranin yan kanatlarında, biri güneyde, diğeri kuzeyde olan iki büyük hol imparatora ve törenlere ayrılmıştır. Hamam kompleksinin kalıntıları MS. II. yüzyıla tarihlenir. Büyük hole bitişik tonozlu kapalı mekanlar günümüzde müze olarak kullanılmaktadır.

Byzantium church and Basilica Gymnasium


Tiyatroya taşıyan İkincil bir cadde (stenopos) boyunca bir yerleşim kompleksi açığa konmuştur ’İonik Başlıklı Ev’. Ev, her kenarında üç sütun olan bir dörtgen peristyle açılan değişik mekanlardan oluşturulmuştur. 2.95 m. yüksekliğinde ince sütunlar parçacıklı kırmızımsı mermerdendir, beyaz mermerden İon stilinde başlıklar eve adını verirler. Yıkıntılar içinden oniksten daha küçük boyutlarda başka İon başlıklı sütunların bulunması, en azından evin merkezi kısımda bir üst katın varlığının iddia ettirebilir. İkinci bir katın varlığı, aynı zamanda yapının üzerine yıkıldığı döşemeyi oluşturanlara göre ölçüleri daha küçük olan pişmiş toprak tuğlalarca da doğrulanmıştır. Kazı, İ.S. II.yy.’dan X. yy.’a kadar bir dizi devamlılık ve yeniden yapılma dönemlerinin oluşturulmasına olanak vermiştir. Yapının orijinal oluşumu, mimari elemanların stil özelliklerini ve pişmiş toprak opus spicatum taban döşemesini temel alarak, İ.S. II.yy.’a verilebilir. Ev, aralarında Dionysos başlı bir Herm ve sakalllı bir tanrı başının olduğu bir çok mermerden süsleme eşyasının gösterdiği gibi kentin bir aristokratik ailesine ait olmalıydı.

House of Ionic Capitals

The House of Ionic Capitals, which was located along one of secondary streets(stenopoi) leading towards the theater, has been brought to light. The house was organized with different rooms that opened onto a centrally squared peristyle with three columns per side. The thin columns, 2.95m high, were made of reddish crushed marble, and had ionic capitals in white marble that gave the house its name. Other smaller columns in onyx, crowned by ionic capitals were also recovered in the collapse. The columns probably belonged to the upper floor, whose existence is also attested by the hollow flat tiles that were made of terra cotta. Their dimensions were smaller in respect to those that constituted the floors on which the structures were collapsed.
The excavation allowed us to reconstruct a sequence of remaking and frequenting phases from the 2nd to the 10th century AD. The original structure of the building dates back to the 2nd century AD, as suggested by the style of the architectural elements and of the floors made of bricks (opus spicatum). The house must have belonged to one of the aristocratic families of the city, proven by the numerous pieces of marble furniture, between which there was a herm with the head of Dionysus and a head of a bearded divinity, also in marble.
The house suffered grave damages due to an earthquake that took place during the 4th century AD. In the phase of reconstruction, at the beginning of the 5th century AD, the organization of the house was modified. A peristyle was built into the internal rooms and also a new room was added. It was paved with an opus sectile floor and a marble wainscot.

Ev, İ.S. IV. yy.’daki deprem sırasında ağır yıkımlara uğramış; tekrar yapım devresinde (i.S. V. yy’ın başlangıcı) peristyle etrafındaki mekanların organizasyonu değiştirilmiş ve opus sectile döşemeli ve mermer duvar tabanı süslü yeni bir mekan kazanılmıştır.

NECROPOL (Mezarlık)

Geniş nekropoller, şehrin dışında yer almaktadırlar; sayısal olarak ve anıtların görkemliliğiyle en önemlisi kuzey nekropoludur. Mezar mimarisi, olağanüstü çeşitlilikte tip ve çözümler sunar. En antik gömütler Hellenistik Dönem’e (I.Ö. II.-I. yy) verilebilen, beşik tonozlu mezar odasını örten topraktan yapılma koni biçiminde yuvarlak biçimli bir duvar tarafından çevrilmiş üzerine giriş kapısının açıldığı tümülüs biçiminde olanlardır. Daha geç dönemden olan mezar anıtları, kaide üzerine yerleştirilmiş basit bir lahitten veya çatısının üzerine bir veya daha çok lahitin yerleştirildiği, ön yüzlerinde evlerin taklid edilmiş olduğu daha kapsamlı binalara kadar çeşitlilik gösterirler.
Batıdaki traverten alanları dışında kalan üç yönde nekropol alanları bulunmaktadır. Bunlar yoğunlukla Tripolis-Sardese giden kuzey yolunun ve Laodikeia-Colossaeye giden güney yolunun iki tarafinda yer alır. Mezarlarda kireçtaşı ve mermer kullanılmıştır. Mermer kullanımı daha çok lahit tiplerinde görülür. Kuzey nekropolü, Geç Hellenistik dönemden erken Hristiyanlik dönemine kadar karakteristik lahitleri, mezar tiplerini ve mezar anıtlarını bir arada içerir. Kentte görülen mezarlar lahit, tümülüs ve ev tipi mezarlardır. Konut mimarisini anımsatan mezar yapıları, nekropolün en önemli elemanlarıdır.


Following the main colonnaded road, and passing the Thermae extra muros, an extensive necropolis extends over two kilometers on either side of the old road to Tripolis and Sardis. The necropolis extends from the Northern to the Eastern and Southern sections of the old city. Most of the tombs have been excavated. This necropolis ("city of the dead") is one of the best preserved in Turkey. Most of about the 1200 tombs were constructed with local varieties of limestone. The extent of this necropolis attest again to the importance Hierapolis had in the Antiquity.

Most tombs date from the late Hellenic period, but there is also a considerable number from the Roman period and the early Christian times. People who came for medical treatment to Hierapolis in ancient times and the native people of the city buried their dead in tombs of several types according to their traditions and reflecting the social-economic importance of the people.